Twin Lakes State Park

 After visiting Kari's family on Thanksgiving Day in Richmond VA we stayed at a KOA neighboring Kings Dominion Amusement Park. For those unfamiliar with Kings Dominion, it is an amusement park on par with a Six Flags Park. We only stayed there the night and got up the next morning casually. We weren't supposed to arrive at our next destination, Twin Lakes State Park, until 4:00 PM. Jane heard that VA was giving out CoViD-19 booster shots for all so she started looking into options for us to get the booster shot. We decided getting the booster that weekend was best so if we had any issues they should be over by the time we were supposed to baby sit our grandson Zay the next week. Jane found a CVS in a town not too far from Twin Lakes that had appointments available that day so we opted for that.

We checked out of the KOA and headed to Walmart first since our CVS appointments weren't until 4:00 PM. At the Walmart, Jane discovered that Walmart was offering the booster shots without appointments and so we cancelled our CVS appointments, got the shots and then headed to Twin Lakes. Here is picture of the rig at the campground. By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, we were the only residents at the campground except for the campground host although a camper van arrived sometime later; we don't know when they arrived; we just noticed them Monday morning.

Not surprisingly, there are two lakes within the park boundaries. We didn't suffer much from the booster shots so we hiked around one lake Saturday and the other Sunday. The lakes are small and I think they could be classified as large ponds. They are man made from dams built as part of the Civilian Conservation Corps program of president Roosevelt. One lake has a swimming complex and the other has cabins with a conference center. The swimming complex had a nice kiddie area considering it was in a lake type setting.

I read somewhere you could swim year round but with the cool fall temperatures and no Penguin Plunge in my future requiring any preparation, I decided to forego the swimming opportunity. One unusual feature of the lakes is they they were aerated to promote a healthy ecosystem. You could see several spots where the air was bubbling up in both lakes.

We left Twin Lakes Monday morning and did some errands/tasks along the way before arriving back at Kari's for pre-baby sitting training. The plan is to stay about a week while hoping CoViD issues don't complicate Kari and Ivory's travel plans.
